Monday, October 24, 2011

The Hunters by Henry DECKER

Have Not all Smooth Sailing But Will Stay the Limit
                                                                          Nov. 20th, 1905
Editor Herald, Dear sir--I will
now fill my promise.  to you in
regard ti writing you a letter
while up here hunting.  I arrived here on the 10th,
and found the boys all here but not in very good
shape.  Joe Brown was laying in camp
idle from the effect of step-
ing on a nail, but is alright now,
Willis Glendening had the tooth-
ache, Jesse Barber was home sick
and went home soon after I landed
here.  Albert Runyon looked tired
and I think he was tired.  It
seems that Vernon Pontius was
the only man that was able to
meet me at the train.
    Hunting here is a pretty hard
problem this year, there is not
much snow, and what little there
is is frozen and it makes it very
noisy so the deer can hear one walk
for a half a mile therefore they are
hard to get a shot at.  We have
killed four deer so far and some
pheasants and rabbits for camp use.
Albert Runyon says he is a pretty-
good hunter, but says those deer
are to slick for him.  He says they
won't stay long enougn for him to
shoot at them.  There us lots of
timber here such as  beech, Sugar,
Hemlock, cedar and pine, but the
land is not worth two rabbits per
acre, according to my estimation,
They are chopping lots of four foot
wood here now.  Theree is a com-
pany from Marquette, that have
two hundred and fifty thousand
cords of wood cut and corded up.
There is wood nearly as far as one
can see.
    If there are no accidents we will
stay the limit which is the 30th of 
the monthm All are Well. Respectfully

I have transcribed this as written.
I an mot sure where they were hunting.
The mention of Marquette makes one 
think it was Michigan,but I have seen
documentation that said they were in the 
Dakota territory about that date.

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