Friday, November 11, 2011

Week #45 High School

      My high school was actually a first through twelve school.  The entire enrollment probably ranged for 150-175 students per year.  In grade school there were two grades per room.  Jr. high and high school shared the study hall which also served as assembly, home room, and the closest thing we had to lockers.  Each student had their own desk in this room.  This was comparable to todays locker or cubbie.  Books and supplies not in use that particular period were left in your desk.
      The school was the center of the community.  There were basketball games, (after all this is Indiana), chile suppers, fish fries, and turkey dinners. Many students were second and third generation at the school. Most of use attended our entire 12 years there.
      The building was very modern for the time.  We had a large cafeteria with wonderful lunches. For the most part, we had great teachers who cared for their students. Some of them had been students there themselves.  Teachers always attended after school events.  It was expected, they were part of the community.  I realize now they actually volunteered a lot of their time to chaperone class party, sell tickets for ball games, and sponsor class plays and programs.  I doubt many of us today would work all those overtime hours with out pay.
     My graduating class had ten members.  The high school closed after my class graduated.  The grade school remained open for a few more years.  The building is gone and a house now stands on the site.
      We don't hold class reunions.  There is an Alumni Banquet each year for all graduates, family, friends, and community members.  Even though the school has been closed for over 45 years, the banquet has an annual attendance of about 125 or more.  In its own way the school is still the heart of the community.

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